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Renew Wellness


Phone (360) 736-1191
Address 1206 Harrison Ave,
Centralia, WA 98531 United States


Welcome to Renew Wellness, a tranquil haven dedicated to holistic health and rejuvenation located in the heart of Centralia, WA. Our wellness center is an oasis for those seeking a transformative journey toward improved well-being. Featuring specialized services like massage therapy, we cater to residents aiming for relaxation and muscle recovery. Weight loss in Centralia is another realm where our expertise shines. We offer a suite of services designed to aid you on your path to achieving personal weight management goals, including personalized body contouring and advanced Lipo Laser treatments. At Renew Wellness, we merge the comfort of a spa with the innovation of medical wellness practices, providing an environment that supports your body's natural healing process and promotes a vibrant lifestyle. Every visit is tailored to meet your individual needs, ensuring a unique experience that enhances both mind and body.

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