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Freelove Orthodontics & Smile Design


Phone (425) 651-2778
Address 3014 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE Suite B,
Sammamish, WA 98075 United States


Freelove Orthodontics & Smile Design is a cornerstone of the Sammamish, WA community, offering personalized orthodontic care to patients desiring a healthier and more attractive smile. Our practice is anchored by a commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction, ensuring that each visit is a pleasant experience. We provide advanced orthodontic solutions like braces and Invisalign, designed to align your teeth effectively and enhance your natural smile. Our team takes pride in creating treatment plans tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients, all within the serene setting of Sammamish. Whether you're an adult seeking discreet alignment options or a parent considering braces for your child, we are here to guide you through every step of your smile journey. At Freelove Orthodontics & Smile Design, we believe in nurturing smiles that radiate confidence and joy because everyone deserves a smile they truly love.

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