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Comfort Dental Kids Fairwood


Phone (425) 437-8811
Address 14246 SE 175th St Renton WA 98058,
Renton Transit Center - Bay 7,

Renton, WA 98057 United States


Welcome to Comfort Dental Kids Fairwood in Renton, Washington where nurturing young smiles is at the heart of what we do Our practice proudly offers comprehensive pediatric dentistry services designed specifically for children's unique dental needs. From their first tooth through their teenage years, our caring team provides gentle dental care in a friendly and engaging atmosphere. We believe that visiting the dentist should be an enjoyable and educational experience for kids, which helps set them on a path towards a lifetime of excellent oral health. Each member of our staff is committed to making every appointment as comfortable and anxiety-free as possible for both parents and children alike. Choose Comfort Dental Kids Fairwood as your trusted provider of pediatric dental care in Renton, where we cherish every opportunity to care for your child's growing smile.

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