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QC Kinetix (The Woodlands)


Phone (713) 913-5285
Address 1001 Medical Plaza Dr Suite 190,
Shenandoah, TX 77380 United States


Shoulder pain is a common problem in Texas. There are a few reasons why you may be suffering from shoulder pain. Your pain could be related to pain due to arthritis, an old injury flare-up, or the most common reason: repetitive use. Whatever the cause of your shoulder problem, QC Kinetix (The Woodlands) has a treatment option for you. Most people contending with shoulder problems have a limited range of motion that can affect their daily lives. You can look forward to better sleep, improved range of motion, and living with great pain relief. We can treat your shoulder pain without surgery using methods that stimulate your body’s natural restoring process. We offer regenerative medicine in The Woodlands treatments based on the principles of natural medicine that support restoration and recovery when used together with traditional clinical treatments and medication management. Visit us today!

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