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QC Kinetix (Pharr)


Phone (956) 406-7533
Address 1201 S Jackson Rd, Suite 12,
Pharr, TX 78577 United States


Dealing with sports injuries can be a challenging experience for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who leads an active lifestyle. At QC Kinetix (Pharr), we understand the frustration that comes with being sidelined by an injury. That's why we offer a range of regenerative medicine treatments that can help accelerate the recovery process, reduce pain, and improve mobility. One of the most common types of sports injuries is ligament and tendon damage. These injuries can be particularly frustrating, as they can take a long time to recover, and traditional treatments often involve surgery, which can be invasive and come with a lengthy recovery period. At QC Kinetix, we offer non-surgical alternatives to these traditional treatments, using sports medicine in Pharr that are designed to stimulate the body's natural recovery processes. Whether you're dealing with a knee injury that requires a knee replacement procedure or a golfer's elbow pain that is affecting your game, our regenerative medicine treatments can provide the relief you need to get back to doing what you love.

Products/Services we offer:
Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain associated with sports injuries, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions

Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thu 8am-6pm
Fri-Sun 8am-4pm

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