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De La Garza Family Dental


Phone (956) 968-8713
Address 461 North Westgate Dr,
Weslaco, TX 78596 United States


Welcome to De La Garza Family Dental where each smile in Weslaco, TX is treasured. Our practice provides personalized dental care encompassing general dentistry for maintaining optimal oral health along with cosmetic treatments for those looking to enhance their smile's appearance. Embracing the role as your family dentist means we cater to patients of all ages with services including veneers for a stunning smile makeover and dental implants for secure tooth replacements. Restorative work such as crowns and dentures are crafted with precision in mind, ensuring durable results that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Our preventative approach aims at detecting potential issues early on through regular check-ups and professional cleanings. Entrust your oral health needs to us; whether it’s transforming smiles or preserving them, De La Garza Family Dental is committed to providing quality patient-centered care as your chosen dentist in Weslaco.

Products/Services we offer: general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, family dentist, veneers, dental implants, restorative dentistry, preventative dentistry, crowns, dentures

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday to Sunday: Closed

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