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Movassaghi Plastic Surgery & Ziba Medical Spa: Kiya Movassaghi MD, FACS


Phone (541) 686-8700
Address 330 South Garden Way, Suite 100,
Eugene, OR 97401-7701 United States


Movassaghi Plastic Surgery & Ziba Medical Spa is an award-winning practice led by one of the nation’s top board certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Kiya Movassaghi. We specialize in cosmetic & reconstructive surgery for the breast, body & face, as well as nonsurgical treatments to optimize skin health & radiance. Achieve safe & effective results, rejuvenate your appearance, enhance your natural beauty & boost your confidence with advanced medical-grade technology and personalized service in our caring & comfortable environment. We are proud to be a certified Allergan Diamond practice serving patients from our convenient location in Eugene’s Garden Way Medical complex, close to Willamette Valley’s finest communities: Elmira, Alvadore & Franklin.

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