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Med1Care Therapy Partners


Phone (419) 866-0555
Address 1225 Corporate Dr., Suite B,
Holland, OH 43528 United States


In Holland, OH, just outside Toledo, Med1Care Therapy Partners provides exceptional client-centered care across a range of therapeutic disciplines including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy programs tailored towards adults' recovery and wellbeing. Recognizing the vital importance of expertly administered pain management strategies for those suffering from acute or chronic conditions, our proficient team employs evidence-based practices that deliver real relief and assist in long-term health maintenance. Additionally, our sports physical therapy offerings are an indispensable resource for athletes looking to return safely to peak condition following an injury or surgery. Focused on empowering individuals through customized rehab services that advocate independence and self-management, Med1Care Therapy Partners pledges a steadfast commitment to helping clients regain quality of life through dedicated therapeutic interventions within the Toledo community.

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