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QC Kinetix (Des Moines)


Phone (515) 259-1227
Address 1903 EP True Pkwy, Suite 301,
West Des Moines, IA 50265 United States


At QC Kinetix (Des Moines), we go beyond traditional treatments to take a more friendly approach to shoulder pain treatment in Des Moines. We understand that correctly diagnosing the source and root cause of the pain is essential for treatment and relief. Whether your shoulder joint pain is chronic or acute, resulting from an injury, overuse, or degeneration, our team of highly skilled providers is here to help. We meet with you to learn all we can about your shoulder pain and provide a thorough exam. In addition, our goal is always to provide successful, shoulder pain relief so you can enjoy life again. Using leading methodologies and natural processes for restoring shoulder joint tissues combined with our personalized treatment plans, we’re dedicated to helping you find the relief you need. So why wait? Schedule a free consultation with QC Kinetix today and let us help get you back on track!

Company Hours:
Mon-Thu: 08:00-18:00
Fri-Sun: 08:00-16:00

Services Offered:
Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain associated with sports injuries, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions

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