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Orthopedic Physicians Alaska


Phone (907) 562-2277
Address 3801 Lake Otis Parkway,
Anchorage, AK 99508 United States


Orthopedic Physicians Alaska (OPA) is a group of orthopedic surgeons and other providers committed to delivering world-class care in a friendly, patient-centered environment. Comprehensive Care: We provide orthopedic care for every bone, muscle and joint in your body, including injuries and conditions of the neck, back, spine, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand, finger, hip, leg, knee, foot, ankle and toe. Treatments include surgical and non-surgical solutions. Coordinated Care: OPA offers onsite imaging, diagnosis, casting & orthotics, physical therapy, surgery (Alpine Surgery Center), recovery facility (Alpenglow) and post-op physical therapy. Care Teams: The OPA "care team" model of service helps patients enjoy the personalized attention and a family feel of a small practice feel... with all the conveniences, advanced technologies and cost-saving advantages of a large group practice.

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