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Lee Obstetrics & Gynecology


Phone (334) 745-6447
Address 2375 Champions Blvd, Suite #2, Second Floor,
Auburn, AL 36830 United States


Lee Obstetrics & Gynecology was established in 1965 to serve the women of Auburn, Opelika and surrounding areas with compassionate, attentive and high quality OB and GYN care. Our focus is the complete health and vitality of our patients. We are one of the most-recognized medical practices in the area, and one of the first to adopt the use of electronic medical records and paperless check-in technology. Our group delivers an average of 1,400 babies per year and our doctors have served in various leadership positions at East Alabama Medical Center, including Chief of Staff, OB/GYN Department Chair and members of the board of directors. We are accepting new patients and look forward to serving your women's health care needs.

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